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Tricia Grynspan

Sudbury Ontario

TriciaYoga is a unique in-home service offered in the Sudbury area by an experienced certified yoga as exercise specialist and CanFitPro personal trainer specialist. Tricia`s philosophies on healthy living it?s about you take time to exist in the moment, exist in the here and now. free yourself of past mistakes, let go of the anticipated stresses and simply exist. slow down the fast pace of life, stop and move slowly in the moment, embracing the now. appreciate where you are in your practice and in your life?understand where you are today is temporary, tomorrow may take you somewhere else. accept yourself, embrace the positives and accept the negatives all as a part of what makes up the whole and wonderful you. love yourself most of all because no one can or will love you the way you can love yourself. find happiness in simple pleasures tickling your children, watching clouds move through the sky take pleasure in the experience. balance activity, with work, family, restful, sleep and nutrition.

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