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Axel Molema

Toronto, Barrie, Richmondhill
Newmarket Ontario

Axel Molema is perhaps the most experienced and well-known yoga teacher in Ontario. In a teaching career which spans 40 years he has instructed close to 500,000 students, many of whom remain with him year after year. Axel draws on the teachings of Swami Sivananda, who combined the four main branches of yoga into one comprehensive system called Integral Yoga or `The Yoga of Synthesis`. Axel instructs by using a traditional yogic teaching style with practical applications to life?s situations. He provides an excellent workout, teaching asanas (yoga postures) to improve strength, flexibility, stamina, co-ordination, and balance. Classes also include instruction in pranayama (breathing exercises) for increased vitality, cleansing and well-being. Relaxation techniques and meditation are introduced to reduce stress, and calm the mind. Students are encouraged to work non-competitively, at their own rate. Classes are offered by the session. Students can sign up at any time.