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Adishesha Yoga Zone

99 Fourth Avenue
Ottawa Ontario

In short, our motto is: "Get Real"! Use your body, mind, relationships ? any tools at hand to realize who you are. Let go of habitual patterns that the mind entertains and the body holds. Unplug what is stuck, allowing for the flow of clear thought and space for the body to be at ease. Listen deeply to feel the aliveness of each cell, of each breath. We can do it in many different ways while holding the space in great attention. We can work with our body ? stretch it, twist it, invigorate it with strength. We can work with our breath ? lengthen it, hold it, move it in various ways. We can sit still and just watch. We can garden or paint or listen to awesome music. Pick anything and it can be very useful! The trick is to pay attention ? to be "here", to be present. Here - not lost in the mind stuff. Awake!

Offers classes & workshops in:

Ashtanga, Basic, Hatha, Power, Vinyasa

Additional information:

About Basia: As a little girl Basia browsed through her father?s books on yoga and in 1992 she began her formal practice. It was Sivananda yoga that first opened Basia?s heart to practice and exploration and since then she has continued to expand her studies under the guidance of various teachers. After completing her first teacher training in 1997 Basia discovered the Ashtanga yoga practice and began her studies with Richard Freeman. Since then she has become co-director of the Santosha Yoga studios in Ottawa and studied with several teachers among whom include David Swenson, Anna Forest, Hart Lazer, Sianna Sherman, Beryl Bender Birch and the teacher who has stirred her perspective on yoga the most- Vyass Houston. Playful by nature, Basia balances great strength with softness in her practice, teaching and life. With a background in healing arts, Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture Basia creates an interesting blend in her teaching. Sustaining her practice outside of the classroom you can find Basia creating beautiful stained glass artwork, painting, dancing or continuing to build her country home.