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Sukham Yoga

405 king st N
Waterloo Ontario

Welcome to the ancient Art and Science of Yoga for the modern soul.Sukham Yoga is a place where a practioner can attain flexibility, serenity,healthy weight,reduce stress, tranquility,attain and maintain healthy conditions and over all sense of well being. Therefore at Sukham Yoga we practice postures, breathing and meditation to balance our physical, mental and spiritual aspect to lead a harmonious life. Sukham Yoga is holistic health and training program that empowers individuals to manage their own mind body and soul's well being in order to become more healthy, happy and peaceful. Yoga and meditation works remarkably to achieve harmony and help the mind and body to work in synchronization. It is our Goal to offer an environment which is both friendly and inviting. Our studio is open to all who have a desire to learn the art and science of Yoga. We respect each student's pursuit of personal health and mental well being and will assist them on thier journey of learning and benefiting from Yoga.