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Trilokesh -Tad Majewski

32 Park Road
Toronto Ontario
M4W 2N4

Trilokesh is Ananda Marga Canada and Yonge & Bloor Yoga Center Facilitator, Director of Program Development and Coordination. He is also a yoga instructor and lifestyle coach, He has been practicing and teaching Rajadhiraja Yoga* in Ananda Marga Yoga Centers for 29 years and helping numerous people to change their diet and lifestyle, doing mediation, kiirtan, asanas detoxification and fast order to lead a healthier and more abundant life. Rajadhiraja Yoga*is the process of sadhana in which one controls the inner energy directing it from physical to mental, from mental to qualified spiritual and from the qualified spiritual to non-qualified spiritual or nirguna shiti. Ananda Marga proces of meditation is the sadhana of rajadhiraja yoga.

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Individual /private classes are available.