Home / Ontario / Pickering / Lotus Heart - Chala Yorke, CYT

Lotus Heart - Chala Yorke, CYT

73 O ld Kingston Rd
Pickering Ontario
L1T 3A6
647 - 200 - 483

Lotus Heart offers a variety of inspiring classes from the Hath and Ashtanga traditions, for both beginners and experienced students. Classes are taught with warth, compassion and a playful approach, in a relaxed and inviting environment. An emphasis is placed on working with metta (loving kindness), gratitude and acceptance of the body and mind to create a safe practice. Classes are limited to 10 students, creating an intimate setting for each student to deepen their practice with personalized attention, adjustments and modifications. Come find the right class for you and experience vibrations of peace, balance and well being. All are welcome, come practice at your own pace.

Offers classes & workshops in:

Ashtanga, Basic, Hatha, Vinyasa

Additional information:

Lotu Heart yoga classes are held in the Village Yogalates studio - 73 Old Kingston Rd., Pickering Village. Side enterance, second floor.