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Art of Living Foundation

13 Infinity Road
Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc Quebec
819 - 532-3328

Offered, in various provinces in Canada by the Art of Living Foundation over a period of 6 consecutive days, the Art of Living Course - Part 1 includes stretching exercises (yoga), breathing techniques and guided meditation to calm and rejuvenate on all levels. The Course integrates practical wisdom, ancient spiritual knowledge and health practices to increase individual well-being at all levels. The cornerstone of the course is the Sudarshan Kriya?, a powerful technique that uses breathing rhythms to re-establish balance and to purify and rejuvenate both the mind and body. The foundation also offers a meditation course, Sahaj Samadhi, as well as the The Art of Living Course - Part 2, taught either in Montreal or in our Ashram located in Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc. This course includes a combination of Silence, Sadhana (Yoga and Meditation), Satsang (Celebration) and Seva (Service).