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Myoga South End

2037 Long Lake Road Unit 12
Sudbury Ontario South End (4 Corners)
P3E 6J9
(705) 586-3730

The South End Experience Myoga’s second venture in the city’s south end was opened to allow for increased space and classes. With ample free parking the 2,100 square foot studio also features separate washrooms, change rooms and shower facilities in a climate-controlled atmosphere. We rent hot towels and mats, sell drinks and have an awesome yoga inspired retail boutique selling yoga clothes and accessories. The Southend studio has a vital and relaxed vibe and the design is modern and fresh.

Offers classes & workshops in:

Ashtanga, Basic, Children`s, Gentle, Hatha, Hot, Kundalini, Meditation, Mom and Baby, Power, Restorative, Vinyasa, Yin, Yin/Yang

Additional information:

Ample parking in front of studio parking lot.