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Association for Yoga and Meditation

Upper Tapovan, Laxman Jhula Road
Vita Manitoba

Asoociation for Yoga and Meditation Yoga School in Rishikesh is a non-profit organization registered with govt. of India and led by Spiritual Yoga Master Yogi Chetan Mahesh, founded by yoga teachers and yoga lover in 2005, who has a vision to spread the happiness and health through traditional and ancient wisdom of yoga in the world.

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AYM Yoga School in Rishikesh has a vision for the world to be free from stress, anxiety, depression, disease, personal, professional and family problems by practicing easy, simple, authentic, traditional and true yoga based on classical teachings which includes asana, pranayama and meditation and stress management, detoxification techniques. AYM invites everyone to experience, experiment, realize, understand the simple, integrated holistic program which aim at achieving health, harmony and happiness beside realizing the inner potential mingling one with one, the realization on oneness the inner self. AYM aims at bringing out human excellence at personal, professional, social and spiritual levels through conscious expansiveness and revolution combines with different authentic and classical wisdom of yoga i.e. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, emotional culture of Bhakti yoga, tantric culture of hatha yoga.