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Yoga Recess in South Windsor

1275 Grand Marais West
Windsor Ontario South Windsor
N9E 3G2

Melissa developed Yoga Recess and its many facets as a way to bring a yoga recess to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Yoga Recess hosts Community Yoga Classes, Partner Yoga Workshops, Family Yoga, Kid's Yoga & Kid's Yoga Birthday Parties!! Yoga Recess travels on-site to your location bringing Wellness Solutions through Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama. Classes can be held in any location, including, Workplaces, Health Facilities, Homes, Event Halls, Outdoor Parks, Nature Settings, Golf Courses...If your ideal is to bring Yoga into your life to optimize your health and well-being....Yoga Recess will work with you in every way. Yoga is more than something that you just do, it is a lifestyle and Yoga Recess genuinely wants to help you integrate amazing changes into your every day! Namaste

Offers classes & workshops in:

Beginner, Children`s, Family, Gentle, Hatha, Meditation

Additional information:

Melissa has been practicing yoga since 2001, with five years of experience teaching.​ She trained with Esther Myers in Toronto, Ontario and Valma Brenton in Baja, Mexico where she received certification and learned yogic lifestyle principles. Melissa began teaching yoga because she witnessed amazing changes deep within through her own practice which brought about a strong desire to share this amazing gift with others giving them the opportunity to transform their own health, wellness and spirituality, including her four little boys that she teaches at home.