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School of Embodied Yoga Therapy

Ottawa Ontario

SEYT is a professional 800 hour professional training program for Yoga Therapy. SEYT’s program features engaging coursework, therapeutic practice, and experiential learning combined with practical clinical instruction. Our curriculum has a solid foundation based in scientific research, professional experience, and personal inquiry. Using an integrative and holistic approach, students will study and work respectfully and compassionately with a wide scope of topics including injury, pain, trauma, mental health, disease, birth, death, and embodied living. SEYT: ♦Honours yoga therapy as an intelligent, comprehensive and compassionate response to the breadth and depth of all afflictions and life happenings. ♦Provides experienced and trauma-sensitive teachers, from various yoga lineages, complimentary healing disciplines and health care backgrounds, in an engaged and cooperative learning environment. ♦Respects the wisdom of the body and the breath, as the foundation of knowledge and change, as well as each humans need for grounding, growth and connection with others and the natural world. ♦Sees embodiment, living in and from one’s whole self, as a brave, integrated and human-making response when living in a disembodied and fast-paced culture.