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Yoga from the Heart Canada

283 Spadina Avenue 3rd floor
Toronto Ontario
M5T 2E3
416 538-7079

Yoga from the Heart Canada is an active artistic Spirit-based form of yoga designed specifically to meet the needs of Westerners with their fast pace of life, and their relatively solid inflexible bodies. It is a devotional expression of inner awareness. The classical postures of Hatha yoga are practised actively, but in a new sensitive way. The body is used creatively as a tool to develop inner qualities of strength and stability, surrender and devotion, concentration and calmness. The classes also consist of simple pranayama exercises, mantra chanting, deep relaxation, meditative readings, and advice on home practice. This yoga develops confidence, and a new sensitivity, and uncovers an inner peace which helps us cope with the hectic lifestyle most of us find ourselves living.

Offers classes & workshops in:

Bhakti, Hatha, Integral, Mantra, Meditation, Sivananda