Want to contribute to our blog?

We’re looking for writers who can weave a little magic for our readers with your yoga knowledge, advice, expertise, and experiences. If your heart is on your mat, and you can write fluently in English, we would love to hear from you!

Pitching to YDC Blog

  • Rather than submit any full-length drafts, please pitch 1-3 headlines and a brief outline of what each would cover. If we’re interested, we’ll get back to you. It’s possible we’ll want to modify your headlines or the angle of your piece—regardless, we’ll work with you to get it just right.
  • If you’re pitching to YDC Blog for the first time, please include 2-3 relevant writing samples.
  • To ensure you’ve read our guidelines, please include the word “namaste” somewhere in the body of your email.
  • When you’re ready, submit your pitches to info@yogadirectorycanada.com. We’ll do our best to respond to your pitch in a timely manner.

Writing Guidelines

If your pitch has been accepted, we’ll give you the green light to get started with your draft. Note that acceptance of your pitch does not guarantee publication. If necessary, we may ask for revisions and/or edit any submitted work.

As you’re writing, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Drafts should be a minimum of 1,500 words and submitted as a Google doc.
  • Content should be 100% original and not have already been posted elsewhere. All submissions will be run through a plagiarism checker before being accepted.
  • Images are welcomed, but not required. If included, please attribute credit where it’s due.
  • We will not accept posts with overly promotional and commercial content.
  • Before submitting, read your post again and ask yourself:
    • Did I proofread and use spell check?
    • Did I use bullet points and/or numbered lists to break up my post and make the text more readable?
    • Did I include relevant links?
    • Where necessary, did I cite my research and data sources?
  • Along with your post, please submit a brief author bio. We allow one do-follow link in your bio.