
Yoga Inner Spirit

Claim the life you want. Yoga Inner Spirit Reflection CardsYoga Inner Spirit

Reflection Cards For Daily Meditation and Journal Writing

Claim the life you want.

Yoga Inner Spirit Reflection Cards For Daily Meditation and Journal Writing

58-Card Deck

Transformation can occur only when you take the time to reflect and turn inward. Whether you are starting on your spiritual path or have a strong, daily practice, use these cards to hear and follow your brilliant voice within.

The images of nature remind us of our inner wisdom, our innate state of balance and truth, and our connection to all living beings. Use them to help witness your own inner healing and deep awakening.

How to Use the Cards

  • Setting your intention for the day
  • Focusing your energies for a yoga practice
  • Prompting for journal writing
  • Preparing for meditation
  • Expressing gratitude

Contemplate the card’s word, text, reflection question, or the photograph on the other side. Angela’s unique words and original photography will inspire you to trust and follow your own intelligence.

To order the cards, visit yogainnerspirit.com/reflection-cards.

How to Reach Us

Contact name: Angela Wiens
Phone number: 250-215-9612
Email: angela@yogainnerspirit.com

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