By Bipin Baloni

Devoted yogis give a fair amount of thought to taking the art of yoga on a professional level or a level where they can contribute to the community of yoga by playing the role of skilled yoga mentors. At this juncture, the step of taking up a Yoga Teacher Training program comes to the surface. There is no single perfect route to becoming a Yoga Teacher as there are various factors to be kept in mind according to the inclination level and preset preferences of the aspirant. However, there are certain factors common to all that are also the most crucial ones to look into. Follow this guide to be on your way to becoming a qualified and skilled Yoga Teacher.

Selecting a Destination

In this scenario, place and location matter. To undertake a Yoga TTC program requires the aspirant to be involved into it by the heart. Hence, learning in an environment that inspires and soothes you is mandatory. Scouring through the list of preferences, becoming a Yoga Teacher in Rishikesh India is a dream of a majority of Yoga TTC aspirants owing to its holiness and the fact that this town is the Yoga Capital of the Globe. A Yoga TTC in India is a divine experience of on its own, especially for those aiming to learn yoga in its purest form from the sources of its origin.

Taking the 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Approved Program

We recommend going to a 200 Hour YTTC that is Yoga Alliance approved if you are willing to teach yoga on a global scale and want to perfectly abide by the globalized standards of yoga education. Alternatively, you can also seek training under the guidance of eminent Yoga Gurus. This holds a unique credibility on its own. However, for seeking traineeship under a specific guru, you would need to devote yourself to the spiritual aspects of yoga as much as physical and mental.

Devoting to the Guru and the Curriculum

Once you have entered the program and style of your choice, this is where the next level of commitment begins. Devote yourself completely to the program and the teachers. Yoga TTC program goes by a rigorous curriculum which requires exceptional dedication on the student’s part and teachers as well. Be active in the class and inquisitive as well. Know what is being taught to you in detail so you can confidently hold the torch in your own hands once you have crossed this stage.

Following the Guidelines According to the Yoga Philosophy

Before becoming a Yoga Teacher in the skin, it is essential to becoming a true Yogi at the heart and mind both. Apart from the Asanas and Pranayama, pay keen attention both theoretically and practically to the traditional Yoga Philosophy modules. Understand its relevance in the modern scenario so you can adopt the yogic principles in your life and evolve into a complete yogi. From here, the journey to becoming a Yoga Teacher becomes quite conducive and easier.

Devising a Specific Teaching Methodology

During the Yoga TTC, you shall come across the Teaching Methodology module during which you shall encounter the various tips, methods, and guidelines to efficiently teaching Yoga. However, merely observing the standardized Teacher Methodology is not enough, you can take a step ahead by realizing the style of teaching that you would like to portray for your students. Seek answer to “How would you like your students to remember you?”

Uncompromising Moments of Self-Reflection and Self-Practice

The evolution from a Yogi to a Yoga Teacher is gradual and cannot be measured by a sandbox. As a teacher, as much as it is essential to understand the students and help them improvise, Self-Reflection is just as necessary for you to continue to grow your wisdom, practice, and skills. Additionally, devote some time to a regular Self-practice for honing the skills and expertise while maintaining a strong and robust being. Be the inspiration!

After completing the 200 Hour YTTC, you can march forward to a Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series in Rishikesh to gain a specialization in these styles.

Most of all connect to yourself and your students!