One of the most accessible ways to regulate your hormones relative to your growth, digestion, and blood pressure is through practicing some noted yoga postures.

For starters, most of the poses would let you place your head below your heart, and for the more advanced, these rely mostly on balancing on your forearms with your legs up in the air – well, to be exact, you’d have to be prepared to go upside down, literally.

Meanwhile, the great thing about yoga is that it most often comes in a variety. Whether you’re simply just starting or are already intermediate, there are postures and ways to accommodate whatever your needs are. But in this section, we’re going to focus on how to activate your pituitary gland through yoga, and as it goes, we’ll show you ways on how to attain it, from the simplest, down to the semi-complicated.

The Simplest “Breath Work”

A simple breath work goes a long way for your pituitary gland especially if it’s done correctly. In yoga, we’re talking about the bee breath or the Brahmari.

The ways are just basic. But here we go:

  • First, place your hands on your face then cover your eyes using your two middle fingers.
  • Next, place your pointer finger beneath your eyebrow line. Rest your pinky fingers right at the section of your cheekbones; using your thumbs, plug your ears slowly.
  • Inhale consciously then exhale with “OM,” note that you have to place emphasis on the “M” sound. Perform this for at least a minute or two.


Of course, there will be times in which you might find some issues on not being able to arrange your hands the right way. That’s normal. Needless to say, don’t ever give up. By simply exhale the “OM” sound, you’ll still be able to bring attention to your pituitary gland and down the line, a sense of calm flourishes your overall well-being.

Mantras Have Great Wonders, Too

Apart from the usual suspects (yoga postures, which we’ll be discussing in a few), mantras are also considered as one of the most effective ways to stimulate your pituitary gland.

The Kundalini yoga consists of mantra and breath work, alongside “kriyas” which are short movements with sound and breath. The “kriyas” level up numerous energy centers of our body.

To do this, simply sit with your legs crossed as you chant that mantra “Wahe Guru” repeatedly to yourself for a number of minutes. Meanwhile, you may also choose to chant the mantra “Sham,” which is known to stimulate the pituitary.

The Yoga Poses

To deepen your yoga practice, of course, some poses will have to be done inevitably. Note that whenever you feel like the poses are well-advanced for your own liking, seek someone who can help you achieve the post.

  1. The Feathered Peacock Pose
    Otherwise known as the Pincha Mayurasana, this pose is a forearm stand that imitates a peacock which spans its feathers out. Although this is quite a sight to behold, this requires skill and patience before it gets done perfectly.The duration is only clocked at one to five minutes and there is no repetition required. Apart activating your pituitary gland, this also stretches your shoulders, thorax, neck, and navel. Along the way, your arms, shoulders, and back are all strengthened.This video shows you on how to do the feathered peacock pose.
  2. The Handstand
    In yoga, the Adho Mukha Vrksasana is inarguably the king of all postures at the monet. And for good reason, the posture alone can provide a myriad of benefits. Some of these include the flushing of fresh nutrients to your face, the increasing of blood flow to your scalp, the stimulation of refreshed blood to your hypothalamus and pituitary glands, and the strengthening of deep core muscles as well.To perform this, you may watch this video.
  3. The King Pigeon Pose
    Aptly referred to as the “pigeon pose,” this yoga posture will transform into, well, a bird-like sight to behold. Alongside the activation of your pituitary gland, this pose can also help you increase the elasticity of your arms, spine, and the likes. In addition, it will aid you on strengthening the muscles and joints in your legs. Inadvertently, it also reduces sciatica and should make your lungs stronger. Ultimately, this pose is very much known to stimulating your nervous system, and increasing your oxygen intake down the line.You can do the King Pigeon Pose by watching this clip.


The ways to go about activating your pituitary gland through yoga could go on but the above mentioned postures are just well enough to get you pumping up those much-needed hormones.

From the simplest of ways like the bee breathing and simple tapping exercises down to the intermediate and advanced yoga postures and mantras, the wonders of yoga are indeed rich and powerful in ways that benefit you more than you would normally expect.

Alternatively, should these postures still won’t do you any good, you can always look for a physician who can prescribe you HGH to manage or regulate your hormonal imbalance, relative to your pituitary needs, no less.

Emily Brathen Contributor

Emily is founder of, a blog where she and her associates talk about fitness, weight loss, and yoga. Their aim is to help people like you to achieve perfect body. BodyShape101 is concentrated on exercise & fitness tips, and making the most out of it. She is also a mother of one and she tries to find balance between her passion and her biggest joy in life.