Written by Rita “Sundari” Linzi-Rei
We may not be aware that even the simple things we encounter everyday that bring stress to us can cause major complications like instantaneous surge in heart rate, high blood pressure, sweating, shallow breathing, muscle tension, and reduction of blood flow to the internal organs.
Thanks to Yoga, just taking deep breaths and relaxing the skeletal muscles will allow the blood to travel to the digestive, reproductive, glandular, and other systems. Therefore, improving the circulation of blood and nutrients in the body.
Yogic breathing exercises requires the practitioner to take long deep breaths, conscious relaxation, and concentration, which decreases the level of stress hormones in the body. Yoga postures also enhance the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids in the body to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. This will assists the body’s ability to heal itself. Yoga also promotes a healthier lifestyle to the practitioner since it requires discipline and self-awareness.
We could avoid heart disease and other disorders of the body if the blood flow through the body and to the heart is optimal.
When incorporating a proper yogic lifestyle that includes yoga poses (asanas), proper breathing techniques (pranayama), proper relaxation, proper diet and positive thinking and meditation, it will help in preventing serious complications. Try to do the natural way of enhancing the mental, physical, and spiritual self through through Yoga. Instead of Medication, try Meditation!
Dr. Dean Ornish, an American Cardiologist, has introduced millions to yoga’s health benefits through his famous studies showing that heart disease can be reversed through diet, meditation, group support, and yoga. Dr. Ornish studied yoga and meditation for 30 years and Medicare is funding his Preventive Medicine Research Institute’s research into the effects of his regimen on heart patients at hospitals nationwide.
Before beginning any new exercise or lifestyle regimen, please consult your doctor and practice under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor.